Tuesday, 9 November 2010

Maxilla - The Moustache Bone

Well I've just had potentially my last solid food for the year - some disappointing Marmite on toast if you must know - and now the doctor imposed food embargo begins. I'm off the food since I'm going in for surgery tomorrow, proper plastic surgery at that. I've never had surgery before - or anything requiring being knocked out- but I have passed out at parties so I roughly know what to expect: dehydration, confusion, strange and new metal plates attached to your skull etc.

Figure 1: Some 'Le Fort Type 1' fun

The above video shows a Type 1 Le Fort Osteotomy, mine's a complex type 2 so it'll be similar but probably I'll have a Bon Jovi backing and more explosions. (Those of a female persuasion are not advised to watch the video - it puts a whole new angle on the 'got your nose' trick).

All things being equal they reckon I'll be wearing jaw wires for about five to six weeks which could mean I have to cancel Christmas this year but I'll play that by ear. I'll let you know how it all goes - assuming ghosts can blog.


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