Saturday 10 April 2010

The Week in Running News

Having done nothing much other than run, sleep, and watch Mad Men this week I thought I'd update you all with my awesomely exciting running news:

Tuesday - Very cold and windy running along Oriental Parade (too cold for shorts and tshirt) so I picked up the pace to keep warm. I was supposed to do 6 miles but gave up early because of the cold so I was only out for 34 minutes. Felt pretty bad about giving up on this run, especially because I reckoned that I'd only done 3 miles tops; however upon measuring the distance later it transpired that I'd managed 4.8 miles making it by far and away my fastest run ever - 8.4 mph!

Wednesday - Four miles, cold an miserable.

Thursday - Decided to take it easy today since I'd effectively done my speed work for the week - I reached the 2.4 mile mark a full six minutes slower than on Tuesday. It was only on the way back at about 40 minutes in that I realised that I could be on for a new 10km personal best, so with a bit of extra effort I sprinted in with a new outdoor best of 47 minutes and some seconds (we'll round these down for simplicity).

Saturday - Saturday's run called for twelve miles which I bumped up to a full half marathon since I'd be doing most of the distance already. Took it easy on a run that took in most of the city starting at Karori, down Aro Valley, up to Brooklyn, down to Happy valley, round to Island Bay, along the Parade to Newtown, back into the city centre, up onto the terrace, through Kelburn, and finally back to Karori. The run went well up until about an hour and a half in where I stopped for the first time (traffic lights) and suddenly noticed how sore my legs were, from then onwards I was acutely aware of just how tired my body was.

Sunday - A four mile recovery run which was shortened to three because my legs were just too tired.

And that was my week in running. Join me next week where I'll be breaking in some of these new callouses that have formed on my feet.


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