Saturday, 10 October 2009

Jake's Progress

A-hoy-hoy! I've neglected this blog somewhat and failed to keep you all up-to-date with the minutia of my ever-so-exciting and over-hyphenated life. So in repentant mode I'll try and fill in some of the blanks.

Last time - as you'll recall - I was crying like a girl after handing back my rental car in Christchurch. Well after that, inspite of the advise of a best-of-three coin toss, I took an early morning bus back to Dunedin, as opposed to Wellington which I knew would be the smart move - more jobs, more sunshine, more-or-less the same ammount of wind, and two dollar coin toss approval.

My return to Dunedin for a week made the city my most stayed in place in New Zealand - Auckland being the second, then Queenstown. It also made Dunedin the place I'd visited the second most in NZ (Alexandra being the #1 though I've yet to actually stop there).

I ignored the advise of the coin toss and headed south for two main reasons; one - it's in the South Island with all the mountains, two - I feel I know the city quite well (I have a denist there after all).

In Dunedin I found single suitable job; applied for it; and was informed that the post was taken. Bah. Nothing else seemed to be comming up and I couldn't find many IT companies with websites good enough to encorage me to specuatively sent my CV to. So I filled my days by swimming, going climbing, taking wildlife tours, visiting Chinese gardens, taking brewery tours, and visiting mueseums.

In between all this I found the time to apply for a few positions in Wellington which sound pretty cool. I've talked a bit with the recruitment agency - who, shock horror!, actually seem to know what they're doing - regarding some of the roles and they sound right up my street.

With this in mind I'm off to Wellington, the windy city, to make my fame and fortune. Today I've commuted all the way up the east coast from Dunedin to Picton so all that remains is a short ferry journey tommorow and I'll be back in the capital.


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